Types of Oils and Lubricants

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LPG price in April 2024 decrease 5.000 Vnd/Cyl 12kg vs March 2024's price
LPG prices of Phoenix, Vimexco Gas, Petrol, VT Gas, Pacific, Siamgas and other brands... decreased by 417 VND/kg, equivalent to 5.000 VND/12 kg cylinder compared to March 2024. 
- End user of Gia Đinh Gas is 492.000 VND/12kg cylinder
- End user of Total Gas is 426.400 VND/12kg cylinder
- End user of Siam Gas, Super Gas is 476.000 VND/12kg cylinder
- End user of Pacific Gas is 476.000 VND/12kg cylinder

Morning on 1st April 2023, LPG companies in Ho Chi Minh City & some provinces in the south have informed the LPG selling price in April 2024 decreases 417 Vnd/Kg equal to 5.000 Vnd/Cyl 12kg vs Mar 2024's price.
The new selling price will apply at 7h30 on 1st April 2024, the end-user price is 426,400 vnd/12kg cylinder.
According to LPG companies, the reason is CP in April 2024 as 617,50 Usd/Mt  decreased 17,50 Usd/Mt vs March 2024's price. (If you need any further information, pleased contact Mr. Trung 09 7777 0740)
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